For several years Kristin Page and I would get together and talk about us offering a retreat. There were several local yogis offering trips to the Caribbean or Mexico and we wanted to offer something different. I had traveled to North Iceland with my husband for our honeymoon, and inspired by a chat with another friend who said "you should do a retreat there!!" I started to search for possible locations. Long story short, we have been lucky enough to connect with Laura at OneYogaGlobal and hosted our first international retreat in Akureyri in 2016. Meanwhile Kristin and I had spent a long weekend checking out E V E R Y single resort/hotel in Tulum, Mexico looking for a place to host a retreat and for many reasons picked Amansala as our perfect spot. We have just returned from hosting our 3rd retreat in Mexico and enjoyed another magical trip to Iceland in November 2018. And this Autumn we will be traveling to the Galapagos for what will be an incredible exploration of these very special islands.
Observing the delight of being able to steep in the practice of yoga and meditation over a few days, and how our guests could truly drop in more deeply, we wondered if we could offer a glimpse of a week-long retreat more locally, and in the space of a single day.
And the idea of our signature Urban Retreat was born: A day to breathe and move and get still. To be nourished by fresh and healthy treats. To join in community. To leave feeling refreshed and renewed.
In our latest edition we collaborated with Dana Ellis DePaul, a licensed acupuncturist based in Narberth - who offered acupuncture, acupressure and insight during savasana. The BEST final relaxation ever !!!!
We will offer more of these urban retreats - and are always on the lookout for a location for a weekend retreat. We do this because we see the value for our students. The difference between leaving a 75 minute practice and then getting agitated in traffic on the way home ... to having a little bit more time for the practice to land. Kristin often talks about retreat about being a time to R E M E M B E R.
verb: have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past).
To remember how we can be with our breath and ride the waves of distraction and discomfort and whatever might arise. To use the time to connect to the stillness and clarity and wisdom that resides within each and every one of us.
Taking the time - an hour, 2 hours, the gift of a day or a week-end or a week - to take care of yourself. One of the best gifts to give to you. I hope that YOU will maybe join us next time - in Narberth, or somewhere further afield!!